Monday, September 3, 2012

The Mt. Vesuvius of Pimples

Today will be a busy day... I have classes, meetings, practice and meals and homework stuffed somewhere in between all of those. Most importantly however, I have the firs pre-vet club of the year. As president, I always try to put a little more effort into looking nice on meeting days than I do with my normal jeans and a t-shirt look. We had 23 members sign up at the activities fair on friday, more than has ever shown interest in the club before. Between those that I talked to beforehand/over the Summer, and those at the activities fair, I had the pleasure to add 28 new names to the email alias... wow (I think last year we had 16- about 5 of which actually came to an occasional meeting). I am so excited to meet all of these students, and I am really hoping that many of them will be committed to the club. Maybe I am just being overly optimistic, but I could see this being the year in which the club really takes off. Whether that is due to Gettysburg's reputation, the club's presence on facebook, on the group walls, our website, whatever, it is awesome!

And so, of course, this leads me to the discovery of Mt. Vesuvius on my forehead this morning. Largest pimple I have had in my life. It actually kind of looks like I got whacked in the head by something and have a giant goose egg on my forehead. And if any of you reading this will be at the meeting tonight/see me today, please restrain from snickering-too loudly. No amount of make-up (not that I have the slightest clue how to correctly/skillfully apply it) can cover up swelling, and my normally exuberant facial expressions now produce pain in my eyebrow region.

Maybe I will just hope this makes me more approachable. Everyone gets them, right?


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