I woke up this morning to the sun spreading through my house, and the call of my roosters drifting through the damp morning air. My cats greeted me effusively, twining themselves around my legs, purring and meowing with their eyes bright, waiting for me to let the mutt out so I can feed them.Remi thumped her tail as I opened her door to let her outside. She gave my hand a passing lick and darted out to see what had happened in her backyard territory since the night before.Her reek lingered behind her, reminding me that she is due for a bath.
I fed my chickens fridge leftovers by hand- bread and vegetables. I collected their eggs, given freely from hens with a good life. For once this morning, Homer must have been too charmed by the free food to attack me as I left the coop.
My house was that slightly chilly temperature that tells you winter has been creeping slowly in on the soft feet of foxes, in the gathering nut hoards of squirrels. The cherry and pear tree in the backyard have shed their leaves, bare arms waiting with bated breath for the storms that I know are coming this year.
The animals know as well. The shedding of fur has been overwhelming. The squirrels and birds are frantic. Winter is coming- and I am blessed to wait it out here, in a sprawling house where every room pours into the next, where the wood that nature has donated through storm-felled trees will warm the house, and my furry mammals will warm my feet, my lap and my heart.
Beautiful writing...