Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Short Post!

I'm giving you a short blurb since I feel guilty when I'm not doing orgo problems!

Friday was a little rough for me; got a call in the AM that my horse was not doing well. Needless to say, I headed up to go see her and missed most of my morning classes. I headed back for my exam in cell biology (which I consequently tanked), and then back to my mom's house to be with her. She appeared lame and stiff, hardly moving and very poorly when she did. She looked miserable, and we had the deep fear that this may have been the end for her. We thought perhaps she had foundered  and seriously injured herself (though it seemed very bizarre), and got her in a nice padded area, with 12 inches of bedding and penned her in. My mom's barn only has a run in, so we had to make a make-shift stall to keep her contained (not that she was going far but...). I checked out all her vitals and she seemed fairly attentive, just in a lot of pain. Doc came on up when he could fit me in later in the afternoon, and even after blocking her feet, he wasn't able to fully determine what was going on. She seemed lame in her front two feet, but also very hunched in her back. The night before she had been running and bucking (as usual), and so it was proposed that perhaps she had hurt her back, and possibly had stone bruises on her feet. Her range of motion was definitely limited upon testing. We put her on muscle relaxants, bute and stall rest (which she hates). By the next day she was looking a bit better, and she is almost back to her ornery self at this point. She had some blood work drawn up and it did suggest Equine Metabolic Syndrome, whose symptoms she does fit rather well. We are still waiting for the lyme disease results (lyme disease can cause both sore backs and feet). Friday will tell whether she has improved any, and also if she will ever be rideable again. If not, she is still my girl and will live out a happy pastured life so long as she is comfortable.

This week has been rough already; after finding out that I did poorly on another cell test, I have just been quite depressed. I put in a ton of time studying for it, and yet my grade just doesn't reflect it. I'm hoping to just make it through at this point.

Saturday I visited VMRCVM and loved it. I set up an individual counseling session with an admissions counselor to go over the best ways to present myself and how to be the best applicant I can be. I want in! That won't be until May, and hopefully by the meeting I will have my GRE scores and my grades for the semester. Here's to hoping they don't drop my beautiful GPA too far!


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