Saturday, June 8, 2013

Week at the Farm

My week at the farm was pretty eventful. Monday I headed in a little early to help catch and load two sheep going to market. One was a sheep that had somehow gotten it's tail ripped off, and the other one was the sheep that had prolapsed their uterus a couple months ago. We got everyone loaded without too much of a problem. The sheep were going in the back of a pickup, since two sheep easily fit in a cab. The worst part was getting the larger sheep (probably around 200 pounds) up into the back of the truck. As you can imagine, they don't help very much!

Yesterday we started the day by catching all of the ram lambs (24 of them) and isolating them from the ewe's and the ewe lambs. They were starting to get a little... aware... of things so this is necessary to avoid incest. The ram will be coming back in a couple of weeks to try to get some November babies.

I'm headed in today for my normal shift, and then going to two family parties this evening.


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