Friday, June 7, 2013

Personal Statement

Well I'm sitting here revising my personal statement for the 10^nth time. VMCAS opened on Wednesday, so I have been working slowly on getting everything taken care of. I stopped by the community college today to request that my transcripts get sent out. One of my eLORs is in already (way to be on top of things for that recommender). My GRE scores are unofficially in and the score reports already requested to be sent to my schools.

Where am I applying? VMRCVM, Missouri, Wisconsin and (possibly) Colorado.

Really if I don't get in to my IS (VMR), then I am hoping for Wisconsin or nothing at all. I love vet med, but I don't love it enough that I can't wait another year to save myself $100,000+. My instate and Wisconsin would be the lowest cost for me (IS at $20,000, Wisconsin at $25,000). Wisconsin is better for large animals I believe, but I do quite love VMR.

It's bizarre to actually be here, in the process of applying. When did I grow up? When did I become a senior in college, knowing 100% what I wanted to do with my life, engaged, living independent (kind of) from my parents, hoping to make a dream come true by getting into vet school and putting myself through 4 years of hell (or so I have heard) to earn 3 letters and a ton of knowledge?

Where does life go when you aren't looking?



  1. I hear you with the IS stuff. That's why I'm so glad I got into the University of Minnesota. I've heard Wisconsin has a good program. I can see why you'd choose Colorado, too, though. I was thinking about it early in my own application process, but it's SO, SO expensive. Good luck! I'm here if you need advice!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Probably seemed to be a very good approach that why you should write about those of the personal statement while you are having veterinary experience but still facing out some of the more problems.
