Friday, March 15, 2013

Two Interviews and a Ride

Had both my interviews today!

The first one went really well- the owner forgot I was coming, however, and so it was kind of a surprise that I was there! She was really great about it though, and sat down to talk with me about everything. I loved how organized she was, and also how incredibly nice. She offered me as much work as I want to take on, starting Saturdays and if I feel comfortable to do an evening during the week, I could do that as well. She showed me all of the barns, and everything was well taken care of and very organized, clean and kept up. It impressed me a lot, especially on a fairly large farm. They offered me the position on the spot, and in my heart of hearts I knew it was right, and I accepted. She was so excited to hear that I had experience with power tools and farm upkeep, and could drive a stick shift, which her current worker cannot (he is also 15!). I met one of the other full-time workers and he as well was extremely polite and friendly. The place had a wonderful vibe to it. So I start in April! I will be taking care of hogs, sheep, cattle and poultry, and any general farm maintenance that needs to be done.

I headed home after that for a short break, and then went to the trail riding place.  Yes, I know I had already accepted one job, but I thought it wouldn't hurt to check out the other and possibly do both. Well, it was a little different. The paint on all the buildings was peeling, there was trash and random junk piled into outbuildings, and goats, turkeys, chickens, an emu and what must have been ten dogs running around without containment. It was right off of a main road, so I was little concerned, but everyone seemed to stay away from it. When I got there the place was empty, though there was one horse in a stall by himself. I figured they must have been out on a ride and so I waited. The barn was the nicest place, and was obviously well-kept, though very small. The horses as well looked really nice, well-groomed and well-fed. I had my interview once they came back from the ride, and was told that there were a ton of people applying for the position. I was supposed to go out for a working interview and ride as a second trail guide, but the ride cancelled, so I just talked to her for a few minutes and left. She didn't really seem too interested in what I had to say, just seemed really busy and anxious to be done. She did invite me back for another working interview in a couple of weekends, but I think I might email her and let her know I am no longer interested in the position. As much fun as I think it would be, it is also a much longer drive, and I don't know that she is really someone that I would want to work for!

I was all itching to ride once I got home, so after a nice dinner with my grandparents, I hopped on my horse. It was a pretty short ride, since she spooked at a plastic bag and almost dumped me off, and then was being a complete brat. I honestly just get tired of fighting with her sometimes, and I did today. I half-heartedly made her do a few things such as turns on fore and rear, trotting some figure eights, walking up to the terrifying plastic bag, but then just let her head on back to the barn. I brushed her down again and gave her some lovings, mucked stalls and headed back home for the night.

Time to get cracking on some homework!



  1. WOW! A lot of changes in a relatively short period of time...Congrats on getting the has to feel good to have found a job...and to be able to start so soon!

  2. Yes, congratulations on the job! It sounds perfect!
